A short-term loan is a convenient way to get the cash you need now before your next paycheck. As a short-term fast cash loan, the online sign up and fast approval make it easier to get the money you need quickly. It's important to note Installment Loans are not a long-term solution for financial hardship, but they can provide additional cash flow if you have an immediate or urgent need.
We loan money in the amounts from $200 to $1,000
Returning customers may qualify for up to $1,000
You must receive regular income and have an active bank account that has been open for at least ninety (90) days. You must also receive income of at least $1,500 per month. Military personnel and individuals with dependents in the military are not eligible.
You receive confirmation of your approval after you complete the two-step application process. First submit an application and once your application is approved a representative will contact you to finish the verification process. Your application is reviewed in just a few minutes so you know after you complete the verification process if you are approved and how much cash you will receive.
The money you receive will be deposited directly into your bank account via the following funding methods.
Real Time ACH is available all day, but not all banks participate.
Same Day ACH is available for all banks, provided verifications are completed by 3:00pm EST.
After 3:00pm EST you will receive your funds on the Next Business Day (if your bank does not participate in Real Time ACH) provided verifications are completed by 7:00pm EST.
Please refer to your loan agreement for specific rates/fees as the payment options below may vary from your loan agreement.
The payments for your loan will be due on the dates shown on your payment schedule in the loan agreement. Generally, your payments are due on your pay dates unless your pay date happens to fall on a weekend or holiday (Your actual due date will be on the business day either before or after as specified in your loan agreement). On a due date, you may:
  • pay your loan in full by paying the principle loan amount plus the finance fee due.
  • extend your loan by only paying the minimum amount due. Your principal loan amount will be extended to your following pay date, and you will be charged an additional finance fee on the principal balance remaining.
  • extend your loan by paying the minimum amount due plus make an additional payment towards the principal which will reduce the number of payments remaining.

Note: You may make any scheduled payment on or before the due dates of those payments by ACH direct debit, cashier's check, or money order directed to us at: Fox Hills Cash, PO Box 70, Solon, IA 52333, or by other forms of payment acceptable to us.

Fox Hills Cash urges customers to pay their loan as quickly as possible to save on their finance fees.
For details on fees and rates see our Rates page
Fox Hills Cash is a Native American owned business operating within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge reservation. This means all lending practices are governed by tribal law. This provides consumers with a means to receive cash they might otherwise not receive, while providing a vital means of employment to members of our tribe.

By entering into a transaction with WLCC Lending FHC d/b/a Fox Hills Cash, you are agreeing to have the law of the Ogala Sioux Tribe govern this Loan. The law of the Ogala Sioux Tribe relating to lending does not limit the rate of interest or fees that may be charged.
Fox Hills Cash does not accept applications from residents of NY, VA, MD, CT, AR, WV, SD, MN, IL

Still Have Questions?

Please send any request or queries to our mailing address or use the form:

Fox Hills Cash

PO Box 70

Solon, IA 52333

Customer service: 866-677-1500

Fax: 866-630-8484

Email: [email protected]